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PRODUCT PHOTOGRAPHY for Sculpture Artist Maria Goldson

Product photography - Sculptures 

Sculpture artist Maria Goldson is primarily self-taught, but has refined her skills at the Florence Academy of Art's sculpture workshop programs. 

Maria specialises in creating portraits of inspirational figures from underrepresented communities, with a focus on people of colour. Her major pieces are accompanied with plaques showing the name of the figure and their most famous quotes. The quotes are also translated into Braille to make them more accessible to the visually impaired.

I have been working with Maria to produce photographic images of her sculptures for submisson to International Art Exhibitions and Contests. 

Maria's sculpture 'Pathfinder of Liberty' a likeness of Harriet Tubman has been selected for the Chianciano Biennale 2024 in Italy. The sculpture is accompanied by a plaque with the quote "Every great dream begins with a dreamer" - Harriet Tubman

Maria also produces sculptures of animals portraying them in their natural states.

All sculptures are made using recycled clay.

Images are taken at Maria's studio. We often work on a tight deadline to get the images produced as the sculptures are often only ready a few days before the competition close.

Maria chose to purchase the copyright of the images as she may wish to produce prints in the future.
Images of 2 of Maria's sculptures Tread Lightly and Spirito Italiano have been used in the sixth addition of Visual Art Journal

All images subject to copyright. Contact Maria Goldson website:

To discuss a product photography shoot call me on 07540 222813

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